Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Life Update

     Well, hello! I know, it's been a while! I'm here today to give a life update and to look ahead to the future.
    The last few months have been pretty crazy! I went to Joyful Noise (an outdoor Christian concert festival) and camp in June. And I had band but that's not too exciting! :)
    In July I had more band (surprise! surprise!) And went to CHIC!!! (More on CHIC soon!) And VBS!!!
Besides all of that I haven't  done much. Sadly!
Now looking ahead!
    August brings more band and church stuff. School starts in September. September an October bring band competitions. And November brings an awesome opportunity! We are going to China!! And Niagara Falls on the way there! I will probably do a series leading up to China.
    Also, I will be posting (hopefully!) Once a week for a Bible study on here! It is a study through 1st and 2nd Peter by Love God Greatly! I'm super excited!
    I apologize for all of the exclamation points. :) What's your life been like lately?

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