Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Changes, changes, and more changes!

    Well hello there! Do you remember me? Yeah, I know, it's been awhile! I started this blog as a photography blog, but that hasn't gone so well. I think I've posted maybe two photography posts. So I'm going to try a slightly different thing with my blog.
    Each month I will have a theme. A majority of my posts will be of that topic but I will also post my weekly posts. Each week I will (TRY to) post an outfit post (my favorite outfit from the week), and a monthly theme post. Once a month I will do a photography post.
    My blog will still have the name "Jessica's Lens" even thought it will not mainly be a photography blog. It is just my lens that I look through to look at life and the world. Clever, huh?. ;)
    To keep up with posts go put your email in the follow box. Every time I post you will get an email with the post! :)
    See you later!

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