Monday, May 4, 2015

April Recap

    Hi guys! Today's post is an April recap. I'm going to share bits and pieces of my month with you. Let's go!

Note:I did not take this photo

    Highs of the Month:

  •  Rylan (my brother) turned 12!
  •  I went to Mall of America twice! Once for a friend's birthday adventure and once for Rylan's birthday adventure.
  • I had a sleepover with my best friends for my friend's birthday. (the same friend that had a MOA adventure.
  • I finished co-op classes! Summer has begun!
    Lows of the Month:
  • I got my wisdom teeth out. I guess this could be a high because now I don't have to deal with it. Plus, it went really really well!
    Favorites from This Month:
That's it! What were the highs and lows of your month?

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