Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Get To Know Me {Tag}

Hello Everyone! I was looking at some blogs last week and ran across a tag. Today I will be sharing it with you! The original tag is from The Whispering Cottage.

1. What are three of your favorite hobbies?
Music (listening and playing, interior design, cooking/baking, photography. Well,that was four... Oh well!

2. What is your favorite season?

Fall! I love sweaters and chilly weather
 3. Heels or sneakers?
Sneakers! I love the look a small wedges on booties, but have only owned one pair of heels and it was for a play.

4. Casual of fancy?

I'm some where in between. I love dressing up, but I also love casual. On a day to day basis I dress more on the casual side.

5. Which do you prefer: a birthday party, or a girls sleepover party?


6. What kinds of blog posts do you enjoy posting that may be out of the ordinary for you or out of your comfort zone?

7. How old are you?

14! Yes, I know, I'm young.

8. When is your birthday?

October 12. Ten days after my mom's birthday and ten days before my dad's!
9. Do you like the thrill of a roller coaster?
It depends. I don't LOVE roller coasters, but I also don't hate them.
10. Do you like watching movies in a theater?
I love going to the theater. (When it's a good movie.)

11. What would be your ideal job in the future?
I really want to be a stay at home wife and mom one day. But before then I want to be a youth/childrens pastor with a super awesome youth and children's wing and have super awesome pictures!

12. Are you into sports? If so, which ones?

Sorta. I've never really played any sports, but I enjoy watching my dad and brother play.

13. In a football party, which are you: the one that jumps while shouting if your team almost scores? or the one who isn't interested in the game and prefers to eat the snacks while talking to friends?
I'm probably the one making the snacks.

14. What are your biggest pet peeves?

When people don't tell you what is going on! Unorganized people and messy houses!

15. What are your favorite clothing stores you prefer to shop?
We shop at Old Navy the most. But I love the look of J. Crew, Land's End, and Eddie Bauer

16. Are you a bookworm?

Yes, although I haven't done much reading for awhile! I need good books!

17. Which do you spend more time on- a book or the internet?

Normally equal between the two, but lately it has been more on the internet.

18. When did you decide to start blogging?

I had a blog for a little while a couple of years ago. But I started this blog about six months ago. (January 2015)

19. On your honeymoon, which would you rather go to- a rustic lodge in the mountains or a sunny beach house in Florida?
Mountains! I would much rather prefer that to all of the beach busyness!
20. What are five of your favorite TV shows?

1. Food Network Star (or almost anything Food Network)
2. 7th Heaven
3. The Willis Family
4. America's Got Talent
5. Anything HGTV

21. Where were you born?
in a hospital in Illinois

22. If you could meet any ONE fictional character, whether from a book, TV show or movie, who would it be?

Christy Miller and her friends!

23. Do you prefer coffee or hot tea?

I don't really drink either...

24. What is your hidden talent?
I have no idea...

25. If you could travel to any time period (Medieval era, Western 1800s, 1950s, etc.) where would you go?

Pioneer Days!

26. Would you rather travel cross country in a plane or a car?

I like both!

27. Do you prefer to play a musical instrument or simply listen?

I like them both equally

28. Who is your best friend?

I honestly don't know. I have a group of friends, but I don't know if I have a BEST friend. So probably my mom or brother

29. What is your favorite movie?

Grace Unplugged. Maybe...I honestly have no idea!

30. Do you believe in God? 

31. Are you saved, If not what stops you? 
I am saved by amazing grace!

32. If you could travel some where (other then your own country) where would it be?
Africa, Europe, or Asia

33. What are you most afraid of..? 

34. What do you love to do with your time (besides work/school)? 
Pinterest, read, listen/play music, marching band
35. What is your favorite color/colors? 
I love turquoise and teal. But I also really love gray!
36. What are you wanting in you future spouse..?
A God-lover!
37. What is you favorite Bible verse? 
Zephaniah 3:17 ---The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.”

38. Do you have any pets? 

Yes...2 dogs

39. Where is your favorite place to be?
Home or traveling

40. Do you like rain or shine?
I love rainy days because it is cozy and I love sunny days because the world is so happy!
If you do the tag let me know! I would love to read it!

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