Tuesday, September 8, 2015

1 Peter Update

     I am finally getting around to my 1 Peter update! To be honest, I got really behind! On Sunday I did a catch-up. 
     This whole study was way too complicated for me! I didn't really look forward to it and especially for a first daily study it was long! 
     I'm going to finish the study a little differently. I'm going to read the passage and SOAP whatever stood out to me. 
     Below I will list some things that really stood out to me.

   Be prepared and willing to do what you are called to do.
   Live you life set apart and as a stranger on earth.
   Follow in the steps of Christ.
   Women are weaker than men, but we are all heirs of God's grace.
   Serve with God's strength
   Commit yourself to God.
   Love deeply.

"...in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ..."                -1 Peter 4:11

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