Tuesday, September 8, 2015

An Apology

     I feel the need to apologize for not posting as I promised.
     I have been so bad about blogging lately! I promised posts about CHIC in this post, but have yet to post them. Those will hopefully be up by the end of the year! ;) In my last post I promised a fall fashion look book. That will hopefully be up next week. But I'm not promising anything. It has been really hot so I don't feel like going out and taking pictures in warm clothes in this heat! It has cooled down this week so hopefully that will get done this weekend.
     Remember that Bible study I talked about? Yeah, I have yet to post an update! To be quite honest with you, I fell a week behind. I ended up just skipping it all together. I will explain that in the update later this week.
    Please bug me if I haven't posted for awhile!! Is there anything you want to see on my blog?

Until next time

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